Monitoring MSMQ via vbs
So a while ago I wrote a simple vbs to query MSMQ as the PerfMon counters are not reliable. There is an updated script I did some ware just need to dig it out.
Option Explicit
Dim MSMQApp ' As MsmqApplication
Set MSMQApp = CreateObject("MSMQ.MSMQApplication")
Dim strComputer
If Wscript.Arguments.Count = 0 Then
WScript.Echo "usage: msmq.vbs server_name queue "
WScript.Echo " "
WScript.Echo "e.g. cscript msmq.vbs tus1ev1idxpin01 queue"
strComputer = Wscript.Arguments(0)
On Error Resume Next
Dim qFormat ' As String
For each qFormat in MSMQApp.PrivateQueues
Dim Mgmt ' As new MSMQManagement
Set Mgmt = CreateObject("MSMQ.MSMQManagement")
Mgmt.Init MSMQApp.Machine,,"DIRECT=OS:" & qFormat
if Wscript.Arguments(1) <> "" then
if instr(qformat, Wscript.Arguments(1)) >0 then
WScript.Echo qFormat & " Messages " & CLng(Mgmt.MessageCount) & " Size: " & int(CLng(Mgmt.BytesInQueue) / 1024) & " Kb"
end if
WScript.Echo qFormat & " Messages " & CLng(Mgmt.MessageCount) & " Size: " & int(CLng(Mgmt.BytesInQueue) / 1024) & " Kb"
end if