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OpsCenter Reports - Quick howto

AlanTLR's avatar
Level 5
13 years ago

Recently, I replied to a question regarding OpsCenter reporting.  I find OpsCenter rather intuitive and easy to use, but I've dealt with a lot of similar stuff for several years, so I can understand how someone new to it might need a short guide/tour.  I'm going to post a simple 'how-to' in creating simple alerting similar to output of the Activity Monitor (or bpdbjobs).

Within OpsCenter, the Report Template I get the most out of is the "Tabular Backup Report."  This report gives me a lot of fields and a lot of fields to filter by.  To get to this report, you can click on:

Reports (Tab) -> Report Templates -> Backup -> Job Browser -> Tabular Backup Report.

The Tabular Backup Report gives the following columns: Client Name, Job Duration (sec), Job End Time, Expiration Time, Job File Count, Throughput (in KB/s), Job Primary ID, Job Secondary ID, Schedule/Level Type, Master Server, Media Server, Policy Name, Job Type, Job Attempt Count, Schedule Name, Job Size (in MB), Job Start Time, Exit Status, and Job Error Code.

You can filter by Master Server, Media Server, Client (name, OS), Policy Attributes, and Job Attributes (state, status, ...)

To set up the report to automatically email every 24 hours, we need to set up a schedule, but first we should set up the report to only show what we want it to see (say, within the last 24 hours).  Well, if I set up the report to only show the last 24 hours, then if it somehow runs late, I'm going to miss some data, so I'll set it up for 26 hours, which gives me a 2-hour window.  Granted, I will have overlap in most of my reports, but that's better than missing data.

From the Tabular Backup Report, I can click on 'Edit Report'.  This edits the currently running report and doesn't affect the template.  We'll change the Timeframe to Previous 26 hours.

I want to filter out all status 0 codes, because my admins only care about failures.  In the bottom half, where the filters are, I'll click on Job, then drop-down to 'Status' and set it greater than 0.  Click on Next.

I'm going to re-arrange the columns to look like my Admin Console's Activity Monitor, but this is different for everyone, so you can set up yours however you like.  There are some fields that I don't even look at, or are blank, so I'll remove those, too.  I can click on Next, or I can click on 'Run Report.'  Either way, I'll see what my report looks like.  If I click on 'Run Report', I can save my report by clicking on the little disks at the top.  Instead, I'm going to click on Next to preview my report, then I'll click on Next again, and I'll be able to save my report.  I'm going to name it 'Backup Statuses non-0 Past 26H' for simplicity.

Now that I have my report, I want to schedule it.  In 7.1, we can create a time schedule, then create a report schedule on that time schedule.  I start by going to the Time Schedules tab under the Schedules tab (still within the Reports), and I'll create a new schedule to run at 7:00 AM every day, and name it 'Daily 7am Schedule'.  I then click on the 'Report Schedules' tab and create a new report Schedule.  Select the type of report we'll run: I prefer PDF.  Then I'll select my Time Schedule that I just created.  Next, we want to select the people we want to send the reports to (you can set these up from the Settings tab at the top) and give it a subject, and maybe a message describing what's attached.  I'll select my report to run (note that you can select multiple reports).  Click on next and save and we're done!  Now all there is to do is wait.  If I wanted to test, I could change my time schedule to a closer time, then change it back.

Hope this helps!

Published 13 years ago
Version 1.0
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