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Enterprise Data Services Community Blog

Playing Russian Roulette with Corporate Data

BandL's avatar
Level 2
15 years ago
A recent survey of IT professionals revealed some startling findings about the state of corporate data management. Due to budget constraints and data overload, it seems many IT departments are engaged in a dicey game of Russian roulette with their company's information.

The survey by Sepaton (a tape library and data deduplication software company) of 400 IT executives responsible for at least 50TB of storage in companies or more than 1000 employees, found that 70 percent of the respondents cited disaster recovery preparedness as their number one goal in 2010. "Given the current state of things, it feels like most organizations are now playing a new form of IT roulette when it comes to disaster recovery," Mike Vizard wrote for

One reason for the lapse in data protection is money, according to the survey. Some 41 percent of the IT pros confessed that budgetary constraints were preventing them from protecting data.

What's more, data recovery and back up functions appear to be understaffed, with 75 percent of the respondents saying six or fewer full-time employees were working on the tasks.

Those money problems are likely to continue, as 73 percent of the respondents reported that their budgets would be level funded or reduced this year.

Growing data burdens are also contributing to the backup problem, the survey shows. Backup times are exceeding 24 hours for 42 percent of the organizations that participated in the poll; another 18 percent disclosed that their backup times were between 20 and 24 hours. As a result of those extended times, 46 percent of the survey participants acknowledged that they were missing recovery time and point objectives.

Data loads continue to burgeon at crushing rates, according to the survey. Some 57 percent of the respondents noted that their data stores were growing at 20 percent annually. Adding to the IT pros' headaches are virtual servers, which 71 percent of them said were exacerbating their storage problems.

The survey also discovered that because faster backup times are needed, a mass migration is under away to disk-based and cloud alternatives to tape systems. Some 71 percent of the respondents said they would be increasing their cloud usage this year, while 61 percent revealed they would be using less tape for backup and recovery.
Published 15 years ago
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