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Enterprise Data Services Community Blog

Save the Date: Backing up vCloud Director Google+ Hangout

Alex_Sakaguchi's avatar
11 years ago

Is your data protection solution vCloud Director AWARE? The introduction of VMware's vCloud Director included a new IaaS offering that layers on top of the existing vSphere product suite. This means yet additional challenges for backup and recovery professionals to work around.

Symantec experts will be addressing this topic on an On Air Google+ Hangout on Wednesday, August 7th.

Tune in to this Bonus Session of our Google+ Hangout Virtual Vision series to learn more about backup and recovery challenges with vCloud Director. Our experts will share how we solve them in one of the largest vCloud Director deployments in the world and discuss the difference between vCD API and VADP in this interactive session.

Get your questions answered live by our expert panelists during the event by submitting your questions to the hashtag #SYMCHangout.

Mark your calendars:

Title:                BONUS SESSION: Backing up vCloud Director | What's the difference between the vCD API and VADP?

Date:                Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Time:               Starts at 9:30 am PT

Length:            1 Hour

Where:             Google+ Hangout:

Panelists include:

  • Jason Puig, Manager Product Support
  • John Kjell, Sr. Software Engineer
  • Abrar Hussain, Sr. Manager of Engineering
  • Alex Sakaguchi, Product Marketing Manager
Published 11 years ago
Version 1.0
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