Simple and Quick Backup Analysis
Do you know about the NetBackup Analyzer tool? Have you used it? Do you use it yearly?
All questions that every NetBackup customer should be asking themselves. The following story came to me recently from one of our Account Executives, Derek Hunter. It reinforces the value of information and the use of a simple tool to improve the operation of an ever changing backup landscape.
Recently, Derek received a call from a frustrated NetBackup customer that was not able to make their backup windows. Following a short conversation, the customer agreed to run the NetBackup Analyzer to give us potential clues on their issue and to get a basic overview of their environment.
The NBU Analyzer took the customer ten minutes to run (a simple script) on their end and within 24 hours they received a call from Derek with results, a report and a suggestion to fix their concern. By upgrading a media server that was running NetBackup 7.1 to NBU 7.6 and adding the Accelerator option, their problem was solved!
The customer is now interested in retiring old media servers with NetBackup Appliances to make upgrading even easier.
Moral of the story:
Run the NetBackup Analyzer yearly for a view into your NetBackup environment and remember that as your backup landscape changes we at Symantec stay ahead of the changes by continually improving with every release. Check out NetBackup 7.6 and upgrade!