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Super Charge Your Backup Performance with Backup Exec 2014

Solange_Deschat's avatar
11 years ago

At Symantec, we often talk about information and data as the lifeblood of the business, especially in today’s digital world. Whether it’s in the form of financial reports, emails or software — information powers our world. If companies lose that information, or worse yet, entire platforms running that data, business comes to a screeching halt.

Imagine for a moment that your Microsoft Exchange email service is disrupted by data loss – months of information gone. With your system down, you’ve not only lost work but you have to stop doing business, selling products and communicating with your customers. The disruption isn’t just a headache for your IT department; downtime causes frustration across the company. Ultimately, data loss, either accidental or deliberate, costs your business valuable time and money so it’s essential that you protect your information before disaster strikes.

The majority of yesterday’s backup technology isn’t sophisticated enough to protect today’s data environment. Here’s a few limitations of previous technologies:

  • Unable to understand data and file structure
  • Not built for virtual machines (VMs)
  • Recovery is complex, restrictive and slow
  • It’s expensive and unreliable
  • Limited storage media support

The newest tool from Symantec, Backup Exec 2014, provides a backup solution designed with future infrastructure in mind. It’s a modern technology designed for your virtual and physical environment that will help increase the speed of backup and recovery, while saving you money and time.

BackupExec2.pngOne Backup Solution for Physical Infrastructure and Virtual Data

Backup Exec 2014 provides a single backup tool that can provide a unified view of physical and virtual backup. Unlike other tools that just store data, Backup Exec 2014 intelligently catalogs and indexes your information so it has clear visibility into your data, which makes all the difference when you need to recover. In the event of data loss, Symantec can understand and identify your data quickly and retrieve information – saving you from down time.

As a result of our deep integration with virtualization software tools, VMWare and Microsoft Hyper-V, you can do quick software virtualization snapshots. You’ll have the ability to back up a virtual machine image as well as the files inside it—or restore an entire virtualized application. It offers complete flexibility to restore VMs or data to any location, device or host.

Backup Exec 2014 also recognizes duplicate information and only saves repeated data once. The powerful, built-in deduplication technology allows your data to use less space which saves you money. 

Worry-free Recovery

One concern we’ve heard many times from customers is that they’re worried about the reliability of backup tools. If a tool fails when you need to recover information, your business can be at a complete loss. But using Backup Exec 2014 will help your IT manager sleep at night because your data is protected and recovery is reliable. In fact, customers have told us that in addition to faster backups they get 100 percent backup success and never have a problem with recovery.

BackupExec1.pngWhen you need to recover data, the process is efficient and easy. Using direct recovery from storage, you’ll be able to retrieve everything including whole VMs, databases, emails and applications. Symantec also makes your entire storage and all backup jobs searchable. This means you can simply tell the system what you are looking for and where you want it to recover to, right down to a single email.

When the unplanned happens, Backup Exec 2014 gets you up and running as quickly as possible. We protect your data and applications where they reside so that backup is fast and flexible and recovery is easy and reliable.

Backup Exec 2014 will be available this June. Please visit for more information.

Published 11 years ago
Version 1.0
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