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Enterprise Data Services Community Blog

Survey - Enterprise Vault on Virtualised Platforms

Glenn_Martin's avatar
16 years ago

Have you already built or moved Enterprise Vault to a virtual platform ? 

If so then you can help us by taking part in our survey on this topic.

We know more and more people are moving their Enterprise Vault servers to virtualised platforms, be that VMware or HyperV and there some great success stories out there. So we felt the time was right to run a survey to capture feedback from people who have already made the move to the world of virtualisation, we're interested to hear how you've configured your VM platform and the type of performance you're getting. We're also interested to hear if the process was a positive one and something you would recomend to others.

We're working on a white paper on this topic to help guide you through the maze of issues which you face when virtualising Enterprise Vault so having some real world feedback about your experience with VM will be most useful.

To take part in this short survey please follow the link below, the survey will close at the end of this month.

Many Thanks


Published 16 years ago
Version 1.0
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