Blog Post

Enterprise Data Services Community Blog

The Known Issues feature is now LIVE!

DanielBickford's avatar
14 years ago

The Symantec Connect community asked us to list the known issues so every end user could see what we are aware of and what fixes are in progress. Here’s the original Idea post that got a boatload of votes.  Well, the day many of you have been hoping for has finally come. The "Known Issues" feature is now LIVE!

To access the new feature, browse through the Community dropdown menu and click on the Known Issues link as in the screenshot below..


For now, the utility is limited to Backup Exec and Backup Exec System recovery products only.  Its very important that you make sure to tell us if you are experiencing any of the known issues by clicking the "Me Too" button...

Also, for those of you using Backup Exec 2010-R2, take advantage of the integrated RSS reader to get updates directly in the Backup Exec UI:

To customize the Symantec RSS feeds to the Symantec RSS Reader

  1. On the navigation bar, click Home.
  2. In the task pane, under Help and Technical Support Items, select the Symantec RSS Reader check box.
  3. In the Symantec RSS Reader, click the pencil icon to add an RSS feed.
  4. Type the URL and the name of the RSS feed that you want to add
  5. Click OK.

Tell us loud on what you think of the new feature addition. Post your valuable feedback now!

Published 14 years ago
Version 1.0
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