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Thinking of Cutting Backup Budgets – Think Again!

GFK's avatar
Level 3
16 years ago
I saw an analyst report the other day that predicts that in spite of the economic downturn companies, large and small will be spending the same, or even increased, amounts on backup and recovery in fiscal year 2010.


To make matters more “huh-like”, this study found that the adoption of disk based technologies is accelerating. Actually, when you think about it this makes sense - disk based backup improves recovery capabilities, backs up virtual environments more effectively and eliminates or reduces the physical requirement (and security hazard) for tape transport.

Actually, it’s making more sense the more you think about it. Older backup solutions or older hardware is less effective, more administratively heavy, time consuming, costing money and effort; new hardware technology on the other hand is more efficient and with new software there is more opportunity to automate more. The automation of IT processes can improve overall IT performance as well as specifically storage, server, and application performance. It also gives IT a fighting chance of managing this unruly thing we call IT saving time, effort and money by better staff productivity, better utilisation rates of servers and storage, better efficiency and understanding of all the assets in the IT environment.

So, we all need to be focused on solving the fundamental challenges of backup: improving recovery objectives, improving success rates, and backing up virtual servers (by the way, if you’ve not sussed this out yet server virtualisation will have a significant impact on backup and data protection strategies in the next year). Backup Exec provides automated backup and recovery that easily integrates into your existing environment. BE’s Agents and Options enhance and extend platform and feature support for BE Environments.

The BE 12.5 Media Server and Agent of Windows Systems licenses include Advanced Open File Option (AOFO) and Intelligent Disaster Recovery Option (IDRO). Advanced Open File Option (AOFO) and Intelligent Disaster Recovery Option (IDRO) are included with each core Backup Exec 12.5 license and with each Agent for Windows Systems providing complete out-of-the-box data protection. Comprehensive Data Protection for VMware Infrastructures and Microsoft Hyper-V Servers provide fast, efficient data protection from a single console. One agent efficiently backs up unlimited virtual guest machines to disk or tape and Backup administrators can easily restore an individual file or folder saving management time and resources.

BE’s agent and options can help provide efficient, flexible database and granular data recovery down to an individual emails or documents with Granular Recovery Technology (GRT) for Exchange, SharePoint, Active Directive and virtual servers. BE provides CDP for Microsoft Exchange, SQL, file servers, and desktops/laptops almost eliminating any backup windows-without disrupting user productivity or application usage.

Where the core product is pretty powerful - why not take a look at how you can enhance your backup strategy with the agents and options you can add to your backup strategy to give you more backup for your bucks.
Published 16 years ago
Version 1.0
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