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Enterprise Data Services Community Blog

We found SMB's need better business protection

Katherine_Coope's avatar
16 years ago
Symantec recently released the findings of its 2009 Storage and Security in SMBs survey, which indicate that some small business are neglecting important information safeguards due to tight budgets and lack of time and IT staff resources.

According to the survey, small and mid-sized businesses (SMBs) clearly understand the importance of security and report that protecting their information, network and servers are their top goals. But despite understanding the risks they face, a surprising number of companies are neglecting basic safeguards.

More than half have not implemented endpoint protection to safeguard laptops, desktops and servers against malware. Almost half do not backup their desktop PCs, leaving their important information at risk.

Finally, one-third of SMBs do not have the most basic protection of all -- antivirus protection. Small business owners are working with many fewer resources and any missteps could shut them down. Every dollar and every hour counts. And while they understand the importance of security, it may just get put on the back-burner in the face of more immediate concerns.

Ironically, our research shows that when SMBs do suffer data loss, it is likely to be in an area where basic protection measures could have prevented loss. The good news is that fifty percent of small businesses surveyed state they plan to increase IT security and storage spending in the next 12 months. To increase IT security spending in a challenging economic environment shows the value SMBs place on IT security as well as their desire to put the necessary resources toward protecting their critical data. Additional information: SMB Survey Video
Published 16 years ago
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