What information and logs to include when creating a GRT Exchange 2007/2010 case with support.
Providing the following information when creating a GRT Exchange case will not only help the TSE narrow down the issue, but will help resolve your case faster and more efficient. This information will help the TSE outline an action plan before the first call back and WebEx.
What is GRT ? Granular Recovery Technology allows you to restore, at the most granular level meaning an individual piece of mail rather that the whole database. If you are unsure you are using GRT , look at your policy attributes. If the box 'enable granular recovery' is checked, then you are using GRT. If it is not, please refer to this blog :
Please provide the following informaiton when creating a case.
1) System information :
Master Server Name:
OS :
NBU Version:
Media Server Name:
NBU Version :
Exchange Server Name:
NBU Version :
Exchange Version:
If this is a cluster or 2010 DAG please include the following :
Cluster / DAG NAME:
Node Name :
Node Name:
Node Name
If this is exchange 2007 or 2010
CAS server Name :
OS Version:
NBU Version :
CAS server Name :
OS Version:
NBU Version :
PLEASE NOTE : Almost all known issues with GRT have been resolved with NBU and NBU In case of escalation, you must be at this patchset in order to progress the case to backline.
2) Provide details if this worked before.
- If this has, give more details on what has changed. A new patch ? An upgrade in NBU or Exchange version ? A new OS patch ? Added servers or network changes ? etc..
- If this has never worked, or a brand new configuration, you should stop here and review the following tech notes before opening a case.
http://www.symantec.com/docs/HOWTO73076 - Everything you need to know to get Exchange Granular backups to work.
Also http://www.symantec.com/docs/TECH187917 - What are the supported Disk Storage types for NetBackup Granular Restore Technology (GRT) backups?
3) Confirm if non-grt exchange backups work of the same server. In addition so file level backup of the server work ?
4) Provide policy info : bppllist <policy name> -L
5) Create the following folders in the veritas\netbackup\logs directory :
Master server
Media server
Exchange Client
6) Increase the verbosity
Master server- Host properties -> master server -> double click on the master server -> logging -> set to 5
Media server- Host properties -> media server -> double click on the media server -> logging -> set to 5
Client- Go to the client directly. Open up the Backup Archive Restore GUI -> file - > client properties -> troubleshooting ->set general to 2 , verbosity to 5 and database to 9. (if backups were running you will need to restart the client service)
7) Run through the issue and set Verbosity back to 0.
8) Upload logs mentioned in #5 in addition the detail status from the failed job.
9) If the backup is failing with any of these status codes : 26, 24, 25 , 48 , 58
Please run and upload and NBSU from the Master server, Media server and the exchange server(s).
For NBU 7.x
- From a command line navigate to :
<NetBackup install path>\NetBackup\bin\support
- Run: nbsu -c -t
- When it completes, it will give you the location of the output file, please upload this to me. ( it's usually in the output\nbsu directory )
Cleaning up output files...
The results are located in the
.\output\nbsu\7x_master_master_20100511_101817 directory...
10) For backups that fail with a status 130, 156 or logs are not being truncated after the backup completes please run :
* NBSU for exchange server(s)
<NetBackup install path>\NetBackup\bin\support\nbsu -c -t
* From a command line on each exchange server(s)
C:\> vssadmin list providers
C:\> vssadmin list writers
11) For INC and DIFF Backups failing with a 130 (however fulls are sucessful ) , confirm circular logging is disabled.
While waiting for the case to be assigned to a TSE, review the following information and how to videos
http://www.symantec.com/docs/HOWTO73076 - Everything you need to know to get Exchange Granular backups to work.
http://www.symantec.com/docs/TECH187917 - Disk Storage Types supported for Granular Recovery Technology (GRT)
http://www.symantec.com/docs/HOWTO41878 - HOW TO VIDEO - Configuring Exchange 2010 Granular Restore Technology (GRT) Backups with NetBackup 7.0.
http://www.symantec.com/docs/HOWTO41843 - HOW TO VIDEO - Configuring Exchange 2003 and Exchange 2007 Granular Restore Technology (GRT) backups with NetBackup 6.5 and 7.0