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Enterprise Data Services Community Blog

Work out the hourly archiving rate, for the past 24 hours

Wayne_Humphrey's avatar
15 years ago
So here is a SQL script to work out the hourly archiving rate, for the past 24 hours .

You will need to define all the Vault Stores in this query.

USE VaultStore01
SELECT Min(archiveddate) AS ArchivedDate,
 "Hourly Rate for Americas Vault Store 04" = count (*),
 "Av Size" = sum (itemsize)/count (*)
FROM Saveset s
WHERE archiveddate > dateadd(hh, -24, getUTCdate ())
GROUP BY LEFT (convert (varchar, s.archiveddate,20),14)
ORDER BY LEFT (convert (varchar, s.archiveddate,20),14) DESC
USE VaultStore02
SELECT Min(archiveddate) AS ArchivedDate,
"Hourly Rate for  APJ Vault Store 02" = count (*),
"Av Size" = sum (itemsize)/count (*)
FROM Saveset s


Published 15 years ago
Version 1.0
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