Blog Post

Backup Exec

Announcing Backup Exec on AWS Marketplace

DavidWright's avatar
7 years ago

Today, we are proud to announce that Veritas Backup Exec is now available on AWS Marketplace to deliver superior data protection capabilities to organizations leveraging AWS infrastructure – accelerating their migration to the cloud.

It is the ‘first’ product in a series of solutions that Veritas will make available to be purchased directly through the AWS Marketplace. Customers benefit immediately from an inexpensive, easy-to-deploy and easy-to-operate solution to protect AWS cloud workloads.

Many organization today use Veritas Backup Exec to protect on-premises workloads in physical or virtual environments. As organizations shift workloads to AWS, they now have a unique opportunity to extend their trusted data protection solution to ensure cloud-based workloads gain the same level of data protection.

As organizations move to the cloud, many may incorrectly believe their cloud service provider holds the principal responsibility for data protection - over eight in ten (83%)1 believe that their organization’s cloud service provider takes care of protecting their data in the cloud. This is often not the case.

By leveraging Backup Exec in the cloud as well as on-premises, you gain a unified and efficient data protection experience – which equates to a much lower cost of ownership and dramatically simplified operation – one that siloed and disparate point products simply cannot provide.



Two Global Leaders, Aligned

More than 86% of Fortune 500 companies rely on Veritas data management capabilities today, and more than a million active customers use AWS Cloud solutions.

With our AWS partnership, organizations now have even greater flexibility for extending data protection to cloud-based workloads with the new Backup Amazon Machine Image (AMI) available via the AWS Marketplace, which allows for a preconfigured and customizable cloud deployment of Backup Exec in minutes.

AWS benefits businesses by freeing them from purchasing and managing IT infrastructure, and also enables them to move to a more cost efficient OpEx model. We’re proud of our partnership with AWS and are pleased that we can continue to serve our customers and keep their data protected both on-premises and on their journey to the public cloud.

Learn more about this partnership by visiting the Backup Exec Solution for AWS page on or launching Backup Exec on AWS Marketplace which includes a free 60-day trial.

Check it out today and let us know what you think!

Veritas is also participating in the #ReInvent event in Las Vegas where we will showcase Backup Exec’s capabilities in more detail. We hope to see you there!

1 The Truth in Cloud report 


Updated 7 years ago
Version 4.0
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