Blog Post

Backup Exec

Arcus: Monitoring Multiple Backup Exec Servers

udaysinh_patil's avatar
7 years ago


We hear from Backup Exec service providers and customers that they would love to be able to monitor their Backup Exec deployments from one single place on the web. Arcus can help them just do that. It is cloud based monitoring solution which allows service providers and customers of Backup Exec to monitor multiple Backup Exec media servers in a single view.

This blog provides information about Arcus, an open source solution, provided to monitor multiple Backup Exec servers. It is targeted towards service providers and customers of Backup Exec. Arcus is available on both desktop web browsers and mobile phone web browsers. Since Arcus is supported on mobile devices, it really becomes easy for customers and partners to “monitor from anywhere”.

The Need:

Various customers and partners of Backup Exec are managing multiple media servers. We wanted to provide the simple and efficient way to monitor various alerts, notifications, job history, job status, Estimated Used capacity etc.

The Solution:

Arcus can get you a quick overview of all Backup Exec deployments without having to connect to all Backup Exec servers one at a time.

How Arcus works?

At this time Arcus can monitor alerts, job status, job history, Estimated Used Capacity, for multiple Backup Exec servers.

Arcus consists of below components,

  1. Arcus web application hosted on Microsoft Azure
  2. Arcus agent service which runs on Backup Exec media server

Arcus agent service running on Backup Exec media server pushes monitoring information into Microsoft Azure Cosmos DB database. This monitoring information is presented to the partners and customers through Arcus web application.

Arcus is open source and is available on this GitHub link. For more details on Arcus, do watch below YouTube video.


Arcus screenshots on desktop browsers and mobile phones:

  1. The Home page displays various Backup Exec servers and groups. You can manage groups using the “Manage Groups” link. Important counters for alerts, job status, and the estimated used capacity are displayed in the table.



2. You can click on counters on the home page to get more information about them on the Monitor page. You can use  various filters on the page to narrow down the search to the information you require.


Arcus Web App Deployment Scenarios:

Please refer below diagram.

Scenario 1: Arcus deployment in Partner’s Azure account

In this deployment scenario, partner has its own Azure account where Arcus web application is hosted. This partner manages multiple Backup Exec media servers for various customers. All the Backup Exec media servers runs Arcus agent service on it.

Scenario 2: Arcus deployment in Customer’s Azure account

In this deployment scenario, customer has its own Azure account where Arcus web application is hosted. Customer manages multiple Backup Exec media servers that he has deployed. All the Backup Exec media servers runs Arcus agent service on it.



Arcus is simple to deploy, works like charm, and helps customers and partners to monitor multiple Backup Exec media servers in a single view.


Updated 7 years ago
Version 3.0
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