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Backup Exec

Backup Exec Cloud Deduplication

Vankatesh's avatar
Level 1
3 years ago

Backup Exec has provided cloud connectors to backup to the cloud for many years now. We have seen more and more customers using it to take advantage of their cloud storage. Now we take it to the next level.

Customers can now leverage Backup Exec’s new Cloud Deduplication feature to bring down storage and bandwidth costs and improve cloud backup performance. Cloud Deduplication feature included in silver and gold editions with no additional charge.

Performance Improvement in backup job time observed on Cloud Deduplication storage compared to traditional cloud storage, we have seen up to ~85% improvements in our lab test environment.

Note: Performance may vary based on internet bandwidth and data.

How does Cloud Deduplication work in Backup Exec?

Deduplication eliminates redundant data segments from the backup and reduces the size of the backup data. Cloud Deduplication uses deduplication technology to upload unique data to the cloud. We have also introduced the encryption feature that ensures data always remains encrypted during transit and also at rest in the cloud storage. Unique data is first stored in a local cache by the Backup Exec media server before uploading it to cloud storage. The local cache is used to increase the efficiency of the backup and restore jobs. The backup job is considered complete only when the data reaches the final cloud destination. Multiple Cloud Deduplication storages in a single media server are supported.

For supported cloud providers, refer here.

Figure 1: Flow of Backup to Cloud deduplication storage

System requirement for Cloud Deduplication Storage:

Check the “Requirements for the Deduplication Option” section in the Admin guide for system requirements for local deduplication storage. This also applies to cloud Deduplicate storage.

To create Cloud Deduplication storage, you need 217GB free space for local cache.

Note: For more information about cache size please refer to technote:

Creating Cloud Deduplication Storage on Backup Exec:

Cloud deduplication storage can be easily created in the backup exec. First, create a deduplication storage. While creating the cloud storage user needs to select “Enable the deduplication to cloud storage” option and provide an encryption key.

Figure 2: Creation of Cloud Deduplication Storage

Creating different backup schemes using Cloud Deduplication storage:

We can create different backup schemes on Backup Exec. First, take to local deduplication storage and then duplicate the backup to cloud deduplication storage.

Note: Direct backup to the cloud deduplication storage is also supported.

Importance of Encryption on Cloud Deduplication storage

Encryption is the process through which data is encoded so that it remains hidden from or inaccessible to unauthorized users. Encryption on Cloud Deduplication storage enhances security while the data resides on Cloud storage. It is best practice to enable encryption while creating the cloud deduplication storage in Backup Exec so the backed-up data is secured.

Disaster recovery for Cloud Deduplication storage

Cloud deduplication could be the best choice to store your backup images off-site for disaster recovery. Using this feature, you can easily import the existing cloud deduplication storage during disaster recovery.

We are excited to bring capabilities that improve the lives of our customers and look forward to your use of Backup Exec cloud deduplication to save on bandwidth and storage costs.

Updated 3 years ago
Version 1.0
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