Blog Post

Backup Exec

ITPro assigns a five-star review to Veritas Backup Exec 20

BrianWhite's avatar
Level 2
7 years ago

What! Five Stars! "Well of course…what did you think it would be?"

Those of us in the Veritas Backup Exec family were delighted by the recent report from ITPro; in a comprehensive analysis of our latest release – Backup Exec 20 – the technology news and review publication gave the backup solution a five-star review.

Simply put by one among our family, “Good to see someone appreciates our ‘versatile’ licensing options!”

For several years the competition had been stepping all over us.  But now, those of us on #TeamVtas are proud to stand behind the last two major releases of Backup Exec.  We’re now on track to reclaim the top spot in the data protection market for SMB and Mid-Market sectors with Backup Exec 20.  And yes, it feels really good to see the hard work of our current and past team being recognized.

In its review, ITPro staff affirm of Backup Exec, “Businesses that want total control over their data backup and recovery plans will find Backup Exec 20 the perfect choice. It's very easy to use, provides a wealth of valuable features and the new subscription plans make it even better value.”

I couldn’t have said it more clearly.  Backup Exec is putting the competition in a Locker and throwing away the key!

I invite you to read the complete ITPro review, including insights on the unique features in Backup Exec 20 for physical, virtual, and multi-cloud environments.


Updated 6 years ago
Version 2.0
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