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Clear data analysis, confident data action: that’s Veritas Information Studio

BriannaFischer's avatar
6 years ago

Today, many enterprises maintain multi-cloud architecture and diverse storage infrastructure. Due to massive data growth and increasing data privacy and country-specific regulations, organizations are seeking new opportunities to maximize value from data while reducing the costs and risks associated with management.

Welcome to Veritas Information Studio
With Information Studio, Veritas addresses this problem, providing IT professionals a tool to easily identify specific types of details about data and the information it contains, pinpointing areas of risk, waste, and potential value.

Information Studio offers clear visibility, targeted analysis, and informed action on data, so organizations can confidently address security concerns, oncoming regulations, and continued data growth—ultimately improving end-to-end efficiency in data management and regaining control.

How it works
Information Studio contains two major components, the Hub and the data engine. The hub is responsible for managing jobs, storing data maintaining configuration details, and logging and reporting, while the data engine is responsible for connection with data sources, topology discovery, metadata collection, classification and communication with the hub.

With Information Studio, customers can start to regain control of data in 5 easy steps:

  1. Authorized users provide credentials and connection details for data sources across cloud and on-premises data sources;
  2. The data engine connects with the data source, discovers the topology, and sends that information back to the Hub where it is stored within its database;
  3. The data engine connected to the data source captures metadata and any user defined tags. The Hub indexes this information and stores it in its database;
  4. If enabled, custom or pre-configured classification policies run on data currently within Microsoft SharePoint on-premise, Office 365 OneDrive and CIFS shares. The data engine reads the items from the data source and temporarily stores a local copy. The data engine’s classifier will read the text from these files and looks for matches to the conditions within the classification policies that are enabled. Each match found adds a classifier tag that Information Studio associates with the file. This tag is sent to the hub where it is stored in a database and indexed.  After classification is complete, the file is deleted from the data engine’s local storage, and finally;
  5. Reports can be generated and exported to allow users to take informed action on data.

Taking action on your organization’s data, with Information Studio
Information Studio gathers information about data within a company’s infrastructure and allows users to filter information found for specific combinations. For example, users can choose to filter for data older than 2 years containing PII information, or for that has a specific phrase like “fraud” or “trade confirmation” that needs to be retained for legal hold.

Once important information is identified, reports can be extracted to allow evidence-driven decisions to be made about the data. For example, users can defensibly delete stale data and better protect personal data, demonstrating a good faith effort to protect personally identifiable information (PII) and regulated data.

Why on-premises?
In its first release, Information Studio is offered as a virtual appliance deployed on-premises. The product was purpose built to offer flexible licensing and increased customer control on where their data should reside or move. Offering the product on-premises also removes the issue of data residency.

Take on data complexity with confidence, with Veritas Information Studio. For additional details on Information Studio, please visit Information Studio on, and join us on VOX on May 15, where Sandra Moulton will provide a comprehensive technical deep dive on the solution and its features.



Updated 6 years ago
Version 2.0
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