Blog Post


Elective Archiving

Rob_Wilcox1's avatar
15 years ago

Rather than archiving everything in every single mailbox that Enterprise Vault encounters, some customers configure what I would term “elective archiving”.  By this I mean that by default nothing is archived in an end-users mailbox, except things in one particular folder.  If this is something that fits your business requirements, read on.

EVPM becomes your friend in order to accomplish the goal here.  You have to use EVPM to set the overall mailbox to “Do not archive”, and then to mark/make a particular folder as archivable.  Here is an example of the EVPM script you might use :


sitename=EV Site 1

name = filterA
DeleteOriginal = true
unreadMail = true
UseInactivityPeriod = true
InactivityUnits = days
InactivityPeriod = 0
UsePercentageQuota = false

Distinguishedname = /o=EV Training/ou=First Administrative Group/cn=Recipients/cn=tcowper

Name = MailboxRoot
Filtername = DoNotArchive
OverrideArchiveLocks = True

name = \User Archive
nondeletable = true
filtername = filterA
overridearchivelocks = true
retentioncategory = Business Emails


This assume : You’re doing this on one user at the moment (Tania Cowper), eventually you can change that entry to Distinguishedname = ALL.  It also assumes that the retention category exists, and is called Business Emails

In Outlook, you would see :


Users can manually archive items in other folders – but if you didn’t want that, you could hide the button, and menu option.


You can manually archive things in the folder, and when a scheduled archiving run occurs against your end-users mailboxes that folder (and it’s subfolders) are then archived per the policy you have defined.



As you can see in the screenshot, you can also create a folder structure in the mailbox.

Published 15 years ago
Version 1.0
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