Blog Post


Enterprise Vault Client for Outlook 2010 - Release Information

Alex_Brown's avatar
Level 5
14 years ago

I’m very pleased to announce that we will very shortly be making available a production Enterprise Vault client for Outlook 2010.

The EV 9.0.1 client will be made available earlier than the full 9.0.1 release (which is scheduled for release later in the year) and will be released on the 22ndOctober 2010. On this date the EV 9.0.1 client will be uploaded to Symantec FileConnect and will be available to download from Monday 25thOctober onwards.

The early release 9.0.1 client will be fully supported for production use and will offer support for Outlook 2003, 2007 and 2010 (32bit and 64bit). It will be supported against EV Server versions 8.0.4 and 9.0. It will also offer English language support only (full internationalisation will only occur in time for the full 9.0.1 kit release later in the year). More information, including full documentation, will be included in the client kit.



Published 14 years ago
Version 1.0
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