Blog Post


Exchange Over Quota–Sync Issues

Rob_Wilcox1's avatar
13 years ago


One of the things mentioned in the Enterprise Vault 9.0.3 Release Notes is that a change has been introduced with regards to Exchange Over Quota archiving issues.  Traditionally the ‘issue’ is that when the mailbox is bumped right up on to the send/receive quota when the mailbox is synchronised, the current policy/desktop settings were removed… but because we’re right at the quota limit, we couldn’t then add a new message to the mailbox, with the ‘new’ (often unchanged) settings in it.


Net result is that when the user next logged in to Outlook it would appear that they weren’t enabled – they’ve had no EV buttons.

This has now been fixed so that the new policy settings are written, and saved, and if successful, the old policy settings-messages are removed.  If the save is unsuccessful, then a new event is logged :


Event Type: Error

Event Source: Enterprise Vault

Event Category: Archive Task

Event ID: 3429

Date: 11/30/2011

Time: 8:28:36 AM

User: N/A

Computer: EVAULT1


Unable to synchronize the properties of mailbox /o=EV Training/ou=First Administrative Group/cn=Recipients/cn=manoj1 on Exchange server EXCH1.

This mailbox is over quota and desktop policy changes cannot be applied to the mailbox. 

Published 13 years ago
Version 1.0
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