Blog Post


Greeting and Introduction

TonySterling's avatar
16 years ago

Hello to the EV community!

With the launch of this new website and given that Symantec is encouraging users to post their own blogs I thought I would give it a go.  

First, let me introduce myself.  I am Tony Sterling and I was an original KVS employee.  I started out in support with version 4 cp7.  (yes they used to be called cp's.  Don't ask.  :) )

Over the years I have held a few roles with EV from being Tech Lead, Backline Engineering Support, Solutions Architect, Lead Technical Architect, and Regional Product Manager.  After nearly 5 years I am now working for a partner and am still excited about where EV has come and where it is going.  I think version 8 has been a great success so far and can't wait to see what comes next.  

I plan to blog an article at least once a month. (that may seem low, but I do have a full-time job too!) That said, I would like to hear from you about things you would like to see articles on.  Feel free to send me a private message with topic ideas.  

Thanks in advance for reading this and I look forward to hear from you!



Published 16 years ago
Version 1.0
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