Blog Post


Learn to "Cut the Clutter" @ Vision 2013 in Las Vegas

dascott's avatar
Level 4
12 years ago


It’s no secret that email and file data continue to grow exponentially.   At the same time new regulations such as Dodd-Frank and FINRA 10-06 & 11-39 require even more content to be captured and controlled including social media, IM, and even voice communications – adding to the storage burden.  


Next Month at Vision Las Vegas 2013 we offer practical advice on managing storage costs and limiting exposure.   This session will include clear guidance the impact of new regulations and an overview of how to best capture social media and ease the review experience.  Learn how to limit exposure and manage storage costs by implementing a defensible deletion strategy for both active and archived content.


Be sure to attend session #IA B25 entitled “Cut the clutter – What you have, what you need and what you can safely get rid” on Wed, April 17, at 11:00 AM featuring myself and Phil Favro.

Published 12 years ago
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