Blog Post


Multiple Language Support for EV

EV_Guys's avatar
Level 3
17 years ago

In this post we thought we would give you some insight to the way in which we support multiple language support in the various components of EV


Over the past 9 years of Enterprise Vault’s existence, we have been asked to translate the various EV interfaces to provide local language support (Eg. Outlook Add-in, Notes, SharePoint, Vault  Admin Console & of course the Accelerator products). Obviously, being a global organisation ,  Symantec has internal teams who specialise in I18N and I10N translations with whom the various product teams work with to get their products translated.


However, before we  make a decision to translate part of our product we look at a number of factors. Our primary focus when considering translations for has been mainly on the end-user visible parts of EV, E.G. Outlook, Notes Desktop and SharePoint.


We will also consider things such as:


Ease of translation: Is this a 3 month project as a “Nice to Have” with few customers requesting it?


When to translate: Some countries speak one language but actually use English extensively in their business / IT as a standard.


What to translate: We will typically translate end-user interfaces first, E.G. Notes Desktop, Outlook, or SharePoint before then considering the VAC and Accelerators.


Market requirements - do we need to do the translation to facilitate adoption of EV in a specific region, Russian or Japanese support  is an obvious example of this type of requirement.


What impact to customers: Certain languages, such as DBCS (Double-Byte Character-Set – E.G.: Japanese, Simplified / Traditional Chinese, Korean) have additional overhead and layout.


The Enterprise Vault PM and RPM teams evaluate the above each time we go through a release planning cycle as an ongoing activity. When we decide to translate EV, the decision is more than just “take the English version” of our products and run it through a translation team. We must also consider online help and printed documentation. Additionally, are there any impacts on SysAdmin’s whether the language is a DBCS (Double-Byte Character-Set – E.G.: Japanese, Simplified / Traditional Chinese, Korean) requiring that they have additional Index implications and Vault Store size to consider. In most all cases save DBCS environments, “Brief” or “Medium” indexing is sufficient, but in DBCS environments (regardless of mixed email with English, or solely in local language) you must enable “Full” indexing so that you can search your archived content.


When it has been decided that part (or all) of our products are to be translated, the Translation Team will then  start the task of translating the user interface, dialogue boxes and help files etc.  In certain instances, such as Hebrew for example, because the text is Right-to-Left instead of Left-to-Right we may have to re-layout entire sections to make the product “look and feel right” to the end-users.


The current list of translations for EV 2007 are shown below,  as you can see, we have already translated the user end interfaces  into many languages and have made good progress with Japanese and Chinese in some of the other areas of the product. We're always happy to hear from customers about their needs to have EV translated into other languages so please contact your account team if you would like to discuss this further or feel free to post a comment on this article.

Outlook / Notes / SharePoint User Extensions











Simplified Chinese

Traditional Chinese


Vault Administration Console



Simplified Chinese


Discovery Accelerator



Simplified Chinese

Traditional Chinese


Compliance Accelerator



Published 17 years ago
Version 1.0
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