Blog Post


Need to move some data?

TonySterling's avatar
15 years ago

I have been working quite a bit with these guys and they have a great product they offer for free.  It is worth a look!

Evidence Mover

Evidence Mover, The Digital Detective's Copy Utility

Move Evidence with Confidence

Evidence Mover automates transferring evidentiary data from one location to another - verified 100% intact. Simply specify the source and destination directories; Evidence Mover does the rest.

Benefits of Evidence Mover:

Automate Data Transfers

  • Increase efficiency by recursively copying multiple directory levels
  • Free up EnCase dongles by not reverifying EnCase evidence after it is copied

Transfer with Confidence

  • Trust MD5 hashing: copied data arrives 100-percent intact
  • Relax, every transfer is automatically retransferred until it verifies

Free for the Forensics Community

Click below to get your copy!
Published 15 years ago
Version 1.0
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