Blog Post


RichCopy and RoboCopy

Deepak_W's avatar
Level 6
15 years ago
Hello All,

In our field many of the times we need to migrate the data from volume-to-volume or may be folder-to-folder. In these cases simple copy paste won't help us.

Recently I had ended up in the same remedy of moving B2D data from one storage LUN to another with data size crossing TB. Copy paste was giving errors, stopping in between, blah blah...

Then I used these tools from Microsoft to copy the data and it worked very well.

That is why I am sharing these tools to you. These are free utilities from Microsoft.

RichCopy -

This utility is written by a Microsoft engineer named Derk Benisch. This is nothing but the GUI version of the very popular Robocopy command-line utility.

For more information and to download RichCopy refer to below mentioned link.

RoboCopy -

This utility is also used for the same purpose as RichCopy. But RichCopy has number of improvements over RoboCopy.

For more information and to download RoboCopy refer to below mentioned link.

Hope this helps to all in migrating data, volumes, LUNs.

Happy Migration.
Published 15 years ago
Version 1.0
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