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Symantec Makes Strides in Corporate Responsibility

Jessica_Johanne's avatar
15 years ago

Symantec has updated its online Corporate Responsibility Report to reflect 2009 data and progress against previously stated targets.  This is the first update to Symantec's award-winning 2008 Corporate Responsibility Report.  Over the past year, the company has made strong progress in all of its key corporate responsibility focus areas.  Among the company's many accomlishments, Symantec was recognized by various ratings and rankings organizations for excellence in our overall environmental, social, and governance performance. 

Some highlights of other achievements in FY09 include:

  • reduced greenhouse gas emissions by eight percent from our FY08 baseline, pushing us significantly towards our reduction goal of 15 percent by the end of FY12·
  • launched new versions of products such as Enterprise Vault and Veritas NetBackup to help our customers cut their own energy use and emissions
  • established more than 26 global employee-led and organized Green Teams to help us further reduce our carbon footprint·         joined Business for Innovative Climate and Energy Policy (BICEP), which works to promote meaningful U.S. Federal energy and climate legislation
  • achieved a LEED Gold rating for our new campus in Culver City, California, and LEED certification for Existing Buildings: Operations and Maintenance Gold rating for our facility in Springfield, Oregon·
  • released a revolutionary new product, OnlineFamily.Norton, a first-of-its-kind Web-based service that allows parents complete control over their children’s online activities. Parents can set time limits for online activity, supervise chat sessions, and even monitor social network use on all the family’s computers – from anywhere
  • introduced new privacy safeguards into our operations to ensure that we meet the increasing expectations of our customers, consumers, and government regulators
  • restructured our philanthropy program so that it aligns with our corporate responsibility and core business objectives and donated more than $20 million to charity through corporate giving, product donation, employee matches, and other programs

To access the update to our report, visit the Corporate Responsibility section of our website. 


Published 15 years ago
Version 1.0
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