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Inside Veritas

Field Day!

bobski_masson's avatar
7 years ago

Nothing used to get us grade-schoolers excited like the announcement of a school field day!  It was a chance to see how our education would be put to use in the real world, and hopefully see and learn about new technologies.  (Oh, and get out of school for a day!). We’d all pile in the bus and head out to some local business or factory with Mrs. McFadden riding in the back of the bus to hand out admonitions to anyone getting out of hand. 

One memorable field trip for me was to the local oil refinery.  We were able to view the control area where technicians directed the flow of oil into the various parts of the refinery to be made into gasoline and other oil-related substances.  I was amazed at the wall of dials and switches and levers, and it left an indelible impression on me that fueled (pardon the pun) my desire to explore and learn more about new technologies for the rest of my schooling years (and beyond!).

Tech Field Day

Just like the field day that we recall from our youth, the folks at Gestalt IT bring us a way to spend a day (or more) examining innovative new techology. Their Tech Field Day brings together IT product vendors and independent thought leaders in order to share information and opinions. It’s an opportunity for tech companies and independent writers to meet, update and discuss products and form new lines of communication. But wait – there’s more!  Tech Field Day goes beyond giving us the ability to just watch the wall of dials and levers, it’s interactive as well.  (As a side benefit, there’s no Mrs. McFadden in the back of the bus!).

Cloud Field Day 3


On Friday, April 6 Veritas will participate in Cloud Field Day 3. A distinguished panel of delegates will participate in a field day with engineering and product management teams from Veritas to explore Veritas’ stance relative to cloud.

In the first session (“Enabling clouds with SDS and appliances”) our VP of Product Management David Noy will cover why relationships with public cloud vendors is important (and how Veritas manages them).  Software-defined storage (SDS) is in Veritas’ DNA—this session will cover SDS-based appliances (which sounds like an oxymoron but isn’t), management tools and use cases.

Following David, Sree “Harsha” Sarabu, Principal Product Manager for SDS and Appliances, will go “Under the Covers with SDS” and Ashish Patwardhan, Senior Product Manager, will describe "Achieving true deployment flexibility." The presentations will include in-depth technical details and live demos of Veritas SDS appliances.  

The remaining presentations CloudPoint overview: Simple, powerful backup for cloud-based workloads,” and CloudPoint deep dive: Architectural superiority at a high economic standard will cover various technical aspects of Veritas’ latest product CloudPoint—a snapshot-based enterprise cloud backup solution built specifically for multi-cloud environments.

The sessions will be interactive, with the attending delegates asking questions throughout the presentations—who knows, your question might be one of them that’s asked! The Veritas Open eXchange (VOX) site will be updated with the link to the live stream when it is available, or check back to watch the recorded sessions.

Updated 7 years ago
Version 3.0
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