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Life At Veritas Interview with Anna Simpson: Problem Solving and Innovation drives Customer Success

ZoeSands's avatar
Level 3
5 years ago

Hello VOX Readers, A couple of weeks ago, I caught up with Andrew Melvin. Did you see his #LifeAtVeritas interview? He shared some great work from home tips. Today I’d like to introduce my latest Veritas employee interview with Anna Simpson, Director of Product Management based in Florida, US. During this interview, Anna shares how bringing together her love of art and computer science helped start her IT career; she offers advice for those trying to break into the industry and how to stay motivated in times of change and motivating teams globally. Read Anna’s interview below.

Meet Anna SimpsonZoe: Hi Anna, thank you for agreeing to participate in the #LifeAtVeritas blog series. Let’s kick off with my first question… What made you choose a career in IT?
Anna: Problem solving and innovation. My education was quite varied, studying art and computer science. I enjoy learning new things and am a logical thinker. The evolution of IT provided an avenue to bring those two things together professionally.

Zoe: What career advice would you give to those trying to secure their first IT role?
Anna: Find companies that you are interested in, even passionate about. If you feel good about the technology or the role with an organization, you’ll be successful and progress, regardless of where you start.

Zoe: What leadership traits make a good leader? And what’s your leadership style?
Anna: Removing obstacles and empowering individuals. My leadership style is democratic. I encourage my team to actively participate whilst I’m willing to make tough decisions.

Zoe: Who are your role models and influencers?
Anna: To generalize, personally and professionally, role models and influencers have been or are hardworking, challenge my thought process, and push me out of my comfort zone.

Zoe: How do you define success? And how do you build successful teams globally?
Anna: Team and company success. If we’re working collaboratively, innovating, and delivering what our customers and the market is asking for, everyone wins.

Zoe: What motivates you? And how do you motivate remote teams globally?
Anna: Innovation and working with people who think outside of the box. If we work efficiently and collaboratively, we can truly enjoy time and our favourite activities outside of work.

Zoe: Anna, why should people choose to work at Veritas?
Anna: During my time at Veritas, I’ve had the opportunity to work in different roles. Veritas offers a culture that encourages you to seek out what’s of interest – different products, different areas of industry expertise, a global community.

Zoe: What’s your favourite Veritas solution or product?
Anna: As I came to Veritas via the Clearwell acquisition, eDiscovery Platform. I am biased by fond memories of that experience – start-up life surrounded by smart, fun, motivated people.

Zoe: Anna, what do you like to do in your free time?
Anna: Pre-COVID, travel. Experiencing new places and cultures and meeting people from diverse backgrounds gives me different perspectives and gratitude. Travel aside, I am fairly active – beach, Pilates, hiking (when the opportunity arises), anything outdoors with my dog.

Zoe: Finally, what technology can’t you live without?
Anna: Google maps. I don’t know how we survived without it before. Traveling internationally for business or pleasure, it’s been a lifesaver more than once. 

If you enjoyed this Life at Veritas blog post with Anna Simpson, then stay tuned as there will be more interview-style posts from other people at Veritas. And if this has inspired you to join our team, check out our job vacancies on LinkedIn and apply here.

Updated 5 years ago
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