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Inside Veritas

Making a Difference: Thomas Benz’s #LifeAtVeritas Interview

ZoeSands's avatar
Level 3
6 years ago

Hello Readers, here’s my latest #LifeAtVeritas interview blog, I recently caught up with Thomas Benz, who heads up our Swiss and Austrian operations. In this interview with Thomas, he shares his career journey from co-founding a start-up to leading the Swiss and Austrian teams at Veritas. He reveals his highlights, what motivates him and how he motivates his team and why people should join our diverse Veritas team. He’s also a black belt in kickboxing, amazing! Read on to find out more about Thomas and his passions:

Meet Thomas Benz

 Zoe: What made you choose a career in IT?
Thomas: I decided on a career in IT because I felt it had good prospects for me. The technology world is evolving at a rapid pace and you are always in a movement (it never stands still), which is something I like.

Zoe: What advice would you give to those trying to secure their first IT role?
Thomas: If you’re starting out in your career you need to be flexible. When you're in your first IT role being curious and adapting to change is your advantage. I also think you need to be open-minded too, being open to opportunities that you wouldn’t necessarily have thought about will help too.

Zoe: What has been your career highlight to date?
Thomas: I have two highlights. The first highlight is I co-founded a company called SVOX. We developed this Swiss-based speech technology company to a worldwide market leader with over 130 employees. It was acquired by Nuance Communications for $125 million. My second highlight is; whilst I was at Oracle I transitioned the whole Infrastructure Group from point product selling to a cloud solution Vendor. Now, these are what I’m most proud of in my career.

Zoe: What do you enjoy most about your role at Veritas?
Thomas: I’m able to make a difference. I manage a strong team of experts dedicated to advising our clients on the best solution for their organisation. Enabling others to be successful and leading my team through change is what I enjoy most at Veritas.

Zoe: What leadership traits make a good leader? And what’s your leadership style?
Thomas: Being authentic and trusting your people to do a good job is essential. You need to spend time coaching your team to get the best out of them. I have an open communication style and have created an open feedback culture within the team I lead. Providing clear guidance and learning from mistakes, sets my team up for success.

Zoe: Who are your role models and influencers?
Thomas: I have a couple of people I look up to, first is Richard Branson, he’s an impressive entrepreneurial personality. And I find Simon Sinek inspiring in terms of leadership.

Zoe: What motivates you?
Thomas: A few things that motivate me are responsibility, teamwork and challenges. As well as being successful.

Zoe: How do you define success?
Thomas: Success is subjective and different for everyone, for me being independent, living my life, helping and growing others, being present in situations and taking decisions all equate success.

Zoe: Why should people choose to work at Veritas?
Thomas: You should join Veritas because you can make a difference here.

Zoe: What’s your favourite Veritas solution? Or product?
Thomas: Our solution approach to information management and our 360 Data Management Suite, which addresses all important aspects our customers have; reducing costs, increasing security and being compliant. For me, it is the continued commitment to innovation that allows me to confidently recommend Veritas’ solutions to my clients. Our solutions are built to meet the needs of today as well as provide the foundation to handle tomorrow’s innovation.

Zoe: Describe Veritas in one word?
Thomas: (Time to) change.

Thomas Benz and his dogs

 Zoe: What do you like to do in your free time outside of work?
Thomas: Regarding my free time activities, I’m a black belt in kickboxing and love to teach boxing. I regularly go to the gym and I like to go for a run with my dogs.

Zoe: Finally, what technology can’t you live without?
Thomas: Mobile, because I need to keep in touch with my team, my loved ones and friends.

So, that wraps up my interview with Thomas Benz, it was great catching up with him. What stood out most for me was Thomas’ view on leadership Being authentic and trusting your people to do a good job is essential. You need to spend time coaching your team to get the best out of them.” Making time for others through coaching and trusting people creates successful teams. Plus, I’m very impressed with him being a black belt in kickboxing, that’s very cool.

Did you enjoy this #LifeAtVeritas blog post? I love doing these #LifeAtVeritas interviews, as it provides an insight into what it’s like working at Veritas and I uncover various hidden talents our staff have. Stay tuned as there will be more interview style posts published shortly. If Thomas’ experience has inspired you and you’re interested in joining our sales and marketing team, then check out our latest job vacancies and apply today. There are plenty of opportunities at Veritas! Why not join our growing team?

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Updated 6 years ago
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