Blog Post

Inside Veritas

Veritas' Roseville office supports local nonprofit organizations to celebrate the holidays

angi_lackens's avatar
6 years ago

During this year's coat, hat, and mitten drive, Veritas' Roseville collected 37 coats, 35 hats, and 40 pairs of gloves and mittens.In support of the holiday season, Veritas’ Roseville office held a coat, hat, and mitten drive at the company holiday party, hosted at Como Conservatory on December 19th. The items collected were donated to local nonprofit organization, Sharing & Caring Hands, and included 37 coats, 35 hats, and 40 pairs of gloves and mittens.

Additionally, Veritas Roseville pursued its 2nd annual December Food Drive Showdown – a lighthearted competition between the office’s floors to collect food and funds in support of local food banks. This year’s efforts proved to be successful, resulting in a total donation equating to 3,376 pounds of food. Excellent work, #TeamVtas!

It is philanthropic efforts like these, shared among Veritas teams, that make #LifeAtVeritas so fulfilling.

Updated 6 years ago
Version 1.0
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