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Inside Veritas

#VtasNextGen participates in HRO volunteer effort

EliasA's avatar
6 years ago

On July 3, a collection of #VtasNextGen interns from our Heathrow office participated in an Interns Give Back event at Harvest Time International. The volunteers helped the organization sort through clothing for local families.

When the event concluded, I had the chance to sit with lead intern, Jessica Elek, to speak with her about the event:  


Elias: Have you participated in a volunteering activity such as this in the past?

Jessica: Yes, I’ve done a beach trash collection in the past during middle school as a part of the Save The Earth club.

Elias: Why did the interns participate?

Jessica: This was one of our bucket list items – to do a community give-back event.

Elias: Why would you recommend community give-back events like this?

Jessica: I would recommend this type of community event for everyone. Contributing to families and individuals in need helps you appreciate what you have and gives you a greater sense of community.

Elias: What do you like about the Veritas Intern Program, or #VtasNextGen as we call it?

Jessica: The Veritas Intern Program is fabulous. It’s given me a well-rounded career experience over the past month, and I’ve been able to do more than just the intern position I was hired for.

To hear more from our Heathrow Office Lead intern, Jessica, check out her VOX account: jessicaelek

Jessica Elek, Sarah Crabtree, Saniya Islam, Lya Cortez pictured (in order left to right)


Updated 6 years ago
Version 1.0
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