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Veritas Solution for Backup and Recovery of Google Workspace Data

asamadi01's avatar
Level 0
3 years ago

The explosive adoption of SaaS solutions has not only resulted in a larger number of users, but also a larger number of SaaS applications and platforms to choose from. Oh, decisions, decisions, but kidding aside, this is a very important decision for companies to get right. Finding a full-featured SaaS application backup and recovery solution for your organization is the name of the game. While Microsoft 365 receives the most attention and focus when organizations think of SaaS, this can lead to other key SaaS platforms without a ticket to the gala or dance, such as Google Workspace.

Need for Backing up and Recovering Google Workspace is Growing

There haven’t been a lot of backup options available for organizations who choose Google Workspace as their collaboration suite. Google provides high availability for customers’ data using multiple synchronized copies of the data, but a replica isn’t a backup. Backup saves you from those moments of “oh crap, that’s not backed up; how am I going to recover that data." Organizations that rely on Google Workspace as part of their mission-critical workflows need more than just a simple copy of their data.

Google Workspace, as an office collaboration suite, is growing in the market, and its users are vulnerable to ransomware attacks. They need the low RPO and RTO, immutable, secure, scalable, high-performance backup solution. This also includes point-in-time restores with flexible options and granular control over what they restore – and which data to avoid overwriting. They need to know that their data is secure as well as protected for job security and sleeping better at night.

Can you guess who can offer this to them? Hint – you’re reading a Veritas blog. That’s right, Veritas NetBackup SaaS Protection offers Google Workspace users full-featured backup solutions.

Announcing NetBackup SaaS Protection Support for Google Workspace

Veritas is proud to announce that NetBackup SaaS Protection, Veritas’ industry-leading solution for SaaS application data protection solution, now provides full backup and recovery support for Google Workspace. The primary foundation of Google Workspace consists of Gmail and Google Drive. 

Gmail is the first thing most people think of when they read the phrase “Google Workspace.” While Gmail provides the same essential services as Microsoft Exchange Online (sending and receiving email messages), there are differences between the two services. One of the biggest differences between the two is that Exchange Online allows users to create a hierarchy of sub-folder which they can use to sort email. On the other hand, Gmail uses a Gmail feature called “Labels."

Labels are a key feature in Gmail. Users who take advantage of labels, and user-defined rules that automatically apply Labels to incoming email messages, can use Gmail more effectively and report feeling more productive with their email. Gmail power-users love their Labels and can’t imagine going back to email without them. Labels are, effectively, a user-defined metadata tag applied to email messages. Labels are used to organize email messages and assist with searching and filtering. The key thing that differentiates Gmail Labels from inbox sub-folders is that more than one Label can be applied to any given email message.

It’s not enough to provide backup and recovery for Gmail inboxes and messages – dedicated support for Gmail includes backup and recovery of all Labels and any attachments. NetBackup SaaS Protection preserves email messages, all their labels, and all attachments.

On the surface, it might appear that backing up data in Google Drive folders would be simple and very straightforward. Google Workspace tools like Docs, Sheets, and Slides store data in Google’s proprietary format. What a Google Drive presents to users can be treated as files but are really pointers to the data on back-end object storage, plus metadata, so Google Drive backups are more complicated than merely making a copy of the files. Even if it were that simple, the backup copy of the data from Google Drive would not be useable, or even readable, outside of the Google Drive environment.

NetBackup SaaS Protection backups easily back up all data and metadata for objects stored in Google Drive. It also provides special handling for many Google Workspace applications built on top of Google Drive, such as Docs, Sheets, Slides, Drawings, and Google App Scripts.



With the rising number of SaaS application users, organizations need to find an effective SaaS backup and recovery solution. Veritas NetBackup SaaS Protection has added Google Workspace to the list of SaaS applications for which it offers full backup and recovery support.

Learn more about NetBackup SaaS Protection and reach out to your Veritas or reseller account representative to schedule a demo and get all your questions answered.

Updated 3 years ago
Version 1.0
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