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Bringing Cloud Down to Earth

Marc-PhilippK's avatar
6 years ago

There’s something very satisfying about turning apples into apple juice.

In my spare time, I’m a hobby farmer. Using apples from my orchard, I produce apple juice and cider. I like how it’s a totally manual, real, and hands-on experience. It makes quite a contrast to the virtual, intangible world of cloud tech I deal with in my day job. 

At Veritas, I help customers make the move to the cloud as simple as possible. There’s a lot of hype around the cloud. And not without good reason. But the hype has a way of obscuring the reality of what cloud is and what it can do.

The Ripe Opportunities of Cloud and Data 


Don’t get me wrong – cloud can be fantastic. It can give you the flexibility and speed to make new applications and get them to market quickly. And you don’t have to worry about your infrastructure holding you back.

Cloud is playing a bigger part in our society. Sometimes in ways, we don’t even realize. Chatting to an ice hockey player at a recent event, I learned that cloud is now used to analyze matches in real time. It tracks how players move, the distance they travel, their style of play, and much more. And they can use this data to help them improve their game.

When you look at what’s possible with the cloud, it’s easy to see why people get swept up in the excitement. But before you make the jump, it’s important to stop and think about how you’re moving to the cloud – and why.  

Some Core Truths About Cloud

The hype around cloud has created some misconceptions around it. Let’s look at some of the most common cloud myths:

1. Cloud solves all your business challenges

Sadly, it can’t. If you’ve got core business issues that aren’t to do with systems, cloud won’t help. For instance, if your employees aren’t adopting an application, they won’t suddenly start using it just because it’s in the cloud.

2. Your data isn’t safe in the cloud

Actually, if you’ve got the right back-up strategy in place, keeping your data in the cloud can be just as secure as keeping it on-premises. Plus, keeping all your data on-premises comes with its own risks, such as natural disasters.

However, this doesn’t mean that…

3. Your data is automatically backed up because it’s in the cloud

Saving your data in the cloud is not the same thing as having a cloud back-up strategy. You’ve got to have the right strategy in place before you migrate. If you don’t, you’re still at risk. For instance, if you’ve got a virus corrupting data on-premises, the virus could still be copied into the cloud. But with the right back-up, you can revert to a version of your data from before the corruption started.  

Sowing the Seeds of a Successful Cloud Strategy 

To reap the fruits of cloud, you need to think carefully about what your business needs from it. Not just now, but also in five and ten years down the line. Especially if you’re a start-up that’s relying on the cloud from the word go. 

Flexibility is key. What happens if you want to move to another cloud? If you’re not careful, you could end up locked in with a vendor. Then you might not be able to move without paying a big cost. Or, you could end up with different applications on different clouds that don’t work together. Which you then have to manage, maintain and pay for independently.

So, while there are lots of reasons to get excited about cloud tech, it’s important to think ahead before you get carried away. Discover how Veritas and Fujitsu can help you move to the cloud in a way that benefits your business here.

Updated 6 years ago
Version 3.0
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