Blog Post


Create a Protection Plan with the New NetBackup Web UI

Glen_Simon's avatar
Level 3
6 years ago

Several weeks ago we introduced Killian Evers, Veritas V.P. of Customer Experience, in episode 51 of our Voice of Veritas podcast: Using the 3 Elements of Outstanding Design to Improve the User Experience. There she descibed how Veritas is modernizing the user experience of our products based on three guiding principles: keep it smple, make it intuitive, and ensure it is integrated. The fruits of that labor are now ready for all to see.

Veritas is proud to introduce a new, simplified user experience for NetBackup designed to make it easy for any IT administrator to use, including backup admins, storage admins, VM admins or DBAs.

The new design incorporates years of real world experience working with the largest IT organizations in the world. We analyzed which functions users performed the most and made those easier to access. Then we added intuitive redesigns around crucial operations, and integrated the look with other Veritas products so everything feels seamless.

We’re confident that the new NetBackup web UI will reduce the time it takes to get your work done. In some cases, our redesigned UI and optimized workflows have reduced the number of clicks needed from thirty to just four.

We’ll be launching on August 21st with a live Veritas Tech Talk event on the VOX Homepage , but here’s a sneak preview of how NetBackup lets you create a protection plan for a VMware environment in a few quick steps. Protection plans allow the admin to pre-configure certain backup settings so they’re easily used by others who may not be as experienced with NetBackup.

Stay tuned in the lead-up to the launch as we release the next demo video, Granting secure access with the new NetBackup web UI.

Updated 6 years ago
Version 2.0
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