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NetBackup Wins Storage Magazine/ Quality Award

Randy_Serafini's avatar
14 years ago

NetBackup has just won the “Quality Award for Enterprise Backup and Recovery Software” from Storage magazine/ based on its survey intended to “identify and recognize products that have proven their quality and reliability in actual use”.  In the survey, a total of 345 backup and recovery customers rated products on a scale of 1.00 to 8.00, where 8.00 is the best score, across five main categories:  sales-force competence, initial product quality, product features, product reliability and technical support. 

NetBackup received the best Overall Rating (6.46), taking first place in Initial Product Quality (6.34), Product Reliability (6.34), Technical Support (6.52) and Sales-Force Competence (6.5).  NetBackup handily out performed eight other vendors in the survey that included IBM, EMC, CommVault and HP.  

So, why is this Quality Award important?  At the end of the day, quality and reliability determine whether a company’s data protection strategy succeeds or fails.  While many companies may look promising based on their latest marketing claims, more often than not, reality fails to meet customer expectations.  The Quality Award from Storage magazine/ is yet another concrete proof point from real users that NetBackup actually delivers what is says it will.  

Published 14 years ago
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