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Protecting Data on Your App Modernization Journey

GaryGarcia's avatar
Level 1
4 years ago

The quest for more flexible, reliable, and cost-effective information technology is never-ending. We solved the problem of underutilized servers in the data center with virtualization, then turned Capex into Opex with the cloud. There are consequences for everything, of course, and we learned that running whole operating systems and applications in the cloud causes the billing meter to run at a significant pace. As a result, Containers and Kubernetes have become the ready solution for running just the application elements that are necessary at any moment in time. It's a lucky coincidence that deconstructing applications into elements also has advantages for developers. 

Adopting Kubernetes is a big move for business. While the move to virtualization seemed like a revolution, in retrospect, the revolution occurred over more than a decade.   The same is true with the cloud. We know why we need to move to containers, so why doesn't the "revolution" happen faster? 

This is a question that VMware is meeting head-on this week, and Veritas is partnering to ensure application data is protected on the journey.

Today, VMware announced the GA of Application Transformer for VMware Tanzu. Application Transformer is included in VMware Tanzu Standard, Tanzu Advanced, and Tanzu for Kubernetes Operations. It discovers application types and dependencies in VMs and automates the containerization process for applications like WebLogic and Tomcat. Enterprise IT facilitates decisions to migrate elements of applications or whole applications using container images created. Better still, it works for Tanzu and all implementations of Kubernetes. 

As stated by VMware, "Application Transformer for VMware Tanzu is a tool that aids in discovery, analysis, and transformation of legacy applications to containers, delivering enhanced business outcomes."

All applications need data protection during regular operation, but application modernization presents apparent challenges. Data is restructured and moved. At each step of the journey, NetBackup protects the business. Unlike other data protection solutions, NetBackup maintains API integrations into vSphere. More importantly, NetBackup can protect Kubernetes and Tanzu from within the product's core. There is no add-on software or separate, acquired software to add. Unlike other data protection solutions, NetBackup provides one toolset, one interface, one policy machine to protect application data at every phase of transformation. This enables IT governance to be assured that approved data protection and compliance policies may be applied to existing workloads as they move into Tanzu. 

"Business is compelled to modernize applications, and NetBackup is uniquely prepared to protect applications and data at every step of the transformation," said Doug Matthews, Vice President of Product Management at Veritas. "NetBackup and VMware Application Transformer are making application modernization safe and easy."

Learn more about VMware Application Transformer on their website and the recently published blog.

Updated 4 years ago
Version 1.0
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