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Top 10 ranking for Symantec

TimBurlowski's avatar
16 years ago
I mentioned this on twitter earlier today but wanted to follow it up with some additional commentary. Sometime 140 characters aren’t enough.

The Brookings Institute, a nonprofit public policy organization, released a study that compares government web sites with commercial web sites. They used a variety of measures to create a score for each of the companies and government entities studied. The resultant table is below. Looking at our top 8 ranking, I have to say I feel proud to be in such good company.

imagebrowser image

I think this ranking speaks well to our many web teams. In a company of our scale the web teams span many disciplines from PR & marketing all the way to tech support. I would like to offer my personal congratulations to all of them.

When I personally consider the many public facing Symantec web properties that have created things that make a difference in my part of the company, the Information Management Group, there are a couple of web initiatives from the last year that really stand out to me.

One, the Symantec Connect team and in particular people like Peter who really have a vision for creating an engaged community around our products. You might dig back through the forums and note they took a lot of heat initially, with URL’s changing or rough edges we found in the interface. They proved they were up to the challenge as they buckled down and both fixed reported issues and added features quickly.

Secondly, the NetBackup support organization added the “Late Breaking News” web page that now accompanies each and every NetBackup release. Working in the product management group for NetBackup I used to have customer conversations that went like this, “Why do I have to discover an issue when 20 other customers already found it first?” Now customers know where to look for the latest information. We'll be adding some additional enhancements to that concept over time, so keep visiting. (BTW, I was asked on twitter what was the criteria for listing on the Late Breaking News page. The main criterion is the following; has the fix for the issue been downloaded and verified by more than a handful of customers and could there be a potential for data loss. Of course, if there is an issue that we deem needs to be documented that doesn’t exactly fit the criteria we’ll use good judgment.)

Lastly, I want to thank the folks behind imagebrowser image. The little blue guy and the NetBackup administrators doing the hard work of protecting the worlds data needed to know they matter – making them the star of the movie finally gives them some overdue credit. If you haven't seen it, turn up the volume on your speakers and have a look.

Published 16 years ago
Version 1.0
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