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Veritas - now part of Cohesity - Technical Blogs

What IS an Agile Data Center?

Drew_Meyer's avatar
Level 4
11 years ago


My previous blog spoke to the concept of an "Agile Data Center," a model that customers tell us represents their future. Most organizations sit in some (or many) parts of it and are searching to move from the circles to the center.




What does it mean to get the right resources to the right users in the right way? Last week at Symantec Vision 2014 in Las Vegas we introduced this concept for the first time, and expanded on it with some hard examples.

Together with Intel, VMware, NetApp, Biomni, Microsoft, as well as some of our own products, we elaborated on the way elastic resources, delivery-as-a-service and IT intelligence can help you approach that magic nexus of agility. Here's a snippet from the keynote where Jeff Hausman and I go into some details on the ideas and some of the ways customers can move in this direction.

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Published 11 years ago
Version 1.0
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