Blog Post

Voice of Veritas

EP23: Turn your data deluge to increased information capital

KatieMasters's avatar
8 years ago

In this Voice of Veritas podcast episode, we’re digging into the truth in Veritas Cloud Storage. Your host Singh Garewal, Solutions Marketing, Veritas interviews Chad Thibodeau, Product Management, Veritas, and discusses how organizations can use Veritas Cloud Storage to make the most of their data.

Realizing maximum value from your data comes from knowing more about your data. Veritas’ Integrated Cognitive Engine with Action on Ingest™ capability can inspect content, add additional metadata tags, stitch together workflows, allowing you to properly manage your data and put it to use.

Accelerate your organizations compliance readiness. Tune in, hear examples of how Veritas Cloud Storage can help your organization with the deluge of data. To learn more about Veritas software-defined storage, visit:


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Updated 8 years ago
Version 3.0
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