Blog Post

Voice of Veritas

EP74: VMworld: Self-Service Data Protection for a Virtual Environment

KatieMasters's avatar
6 years ago

In this episode of the Voice of Veritas podcast, we’re digging into the truth in information. Your host Pamela Kerman, Solutions Marketing Manager, Veritas, interviews Siobhan Ellis, Sr. Principal Product manager, Veritas, at VMworld as they discuss how to deliver self-service to a virtual environment.

The trend in the industry is self-service for data protection. For quite some time, Veritas has made this possible with NetBackup Self-Service. Not only delivering self-service but also a logical multi-tenancy.

With the release of NetBackup 8.1.2, comes a vRealize integration for the virtual environments. Traditionally, Backup Admins would handle all the backups. However, vRealize brings seamless and simple automation for the virtual admin.

 Tune into the full episode for the key highlights Siobhan shares with Pamela. For more information, visit


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Published 6 years ago
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