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Voice of Veritas

S2EP10: Cloud Perspectives from Microsoft at GITEX 2018

KatieMasters's avatar
6 years ago

In this Voice of Veritas podcast episode, we’re digging into the truth in Information. Zoe Sands, Social and Community Marketing, Veritas, interviews Kevin Ashby, Global ISV Lead, Microsoft, on his perspectives on cloud at GITEX 2018. 

Cloud can be looked at in a number of different ways. It’s a platform in which we can deploy a number of different services. It enables quicker innovation, gain more from solutions and cost savings.

As organizations consider the cloud and a hybrid cloud approach, Kevin shares perspectives on what customers can gain from leveraging cloud such as AI and cognitive services, APIs and more!

Tune in to learn more and click here to learn more about the Veritas and Microsoft partnership.

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Published 6 years ago
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