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Voice of Veritas

S2EP9: Shining light on dark data with the latest Databerg research

KatieMasters's avatar
6 years ago

In this Voice of Veritas podcast episode, we’re digging into the truth in Information. Zoe Sands, Social and Community Marketing, Veritas, interviews Ian Wood, Head of Business Practices EMEA, Veritas, on the latest Databerg research.

How can you get a handle on your dark data? Veritas just recently launched the second Databerg research for the United Arab Emirates.

In 2016, we rolled out how organizations are effectively managing their data and the key obstacles they faced. Our survey results then uncovered that the biggest challenge was visibility into their data. Veritas then coined the term “Databerg” in our analogy when looking at the types of data an organization must manage.

What is a “Databerg” is a concept similar to an iceberg. Above the surface Below the surface, organizations don’t know what data resides their and how valuable the data is. It’s known as “dark data” or better known as data that is not classified.  Above the water is the “clean data” or better known as the data an organization understands.

Tune in to hear the full episode as Ian shares the latest findings from the 2018 Databerg report. Read the full Databerg press release.

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Published 6 years ago
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