Blog Post


Announcing HyperScale for Openstack 1.1

ccarrero's avatar
Level 4
7 years ago

It is an inmense pleasure to announce the availability of HyperScale for OpenStack version 1.1.  HyperScale for OpenStack helps organizations realize the speed and economic benefits of deploying applications on OpenStack through predictable performance and storage quality of service (QoS).

The software-defined storage solution leverages commodity hardware and includes integration for enterprise data protection. HyperScale for OpenStack is a solution for customers looking to move critical workloads with quality of service and data protection demands into OpenStack. It increases data protection to meet workload needs, performs backups without impacting application performance, and simplifies storage management and reporting for OpenStack integrating with OpenStack UI (Horizon).

HyperScale for OpenStack 1.1 brings new features to the market to enhance simplicity, increase resiliency, improve flexibility and make it easier to consume.

First, any user can now use the Trialware version and get familiar with HyperScale. We encourage you to join our HyperScale for OpenStack Community and post any questions you may have. Reach out directly to our engineers!

We have enhanced the deployment method by providing Juju Charms for HyperScale modules. Deployments are now easier and faster!

The new version also provides faster backups and a public REST API. Security has been imporved with support for https and self-signed certificates.

Resiliency has been increased making the HyperScale controller highly available and now deployment is supported in a distributed environment, which removes the need to have services co-located.

Availability has also been improved by allowing compute tagging for nodes running in different racks. Also, resyncing data node data after a failure is now faster.

Protecting your workloads is now easier as HyperScale integrates with QEMU driver to provide application consistent backups. Take a look to our Veritas NetBackup integration.

Finally the integration with Horizon keeps improving by now providing more data and information to help users understand how storage is being used and managed witin OpenStack.

Enjoy our new version!

Carlos Carrero.-

Updated 7 years ago
Version 3.0
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