Blog Post


Announcing Veritas Dynamic Multi-Pathing for VMware!

Theresa_LaVeck's avatar
13 years ago

We're pleased to announce the general availability of Veritas Dynamic Multi-Pathing for VMware.

Veritas™ Dynamic Multi-Pathing for VMware from Symantec helps you manage virtualized I/O paths through multiple algorithms and intelligent load balancing from inside the VMware environment. This deep visibility and advanced multi-pathing provides the availability and resiliency needed to confidently virtualize mission-critical applications Storage I/O performance and availability for VMware ESX attached storage improves through intelligent algorithms and load balancing for faster throughput. It increases virtual machine and application availability by rerouting I/Os to other available data paths in the event of a storage path failure and automatically restores failed paths that become healthy.

Additionally, Dynamic Multi-Pathing for VMware integrates into VMware vCenter to provide administrative and monitoring capability within the VMware environment, as well as offering command line management and configuration. The load-balancing and management capabilities enhance administrators' productivity, improve overall storage performance and availability, increase virtual machine and connection resiliency, and bridge storage and server administrator communications. Dynamic Multi-Pathing for VMware is a stand-alone product that provides multi-pathing within the ESX hypervisor through the VMware Pluggable Storage Architecture (PSA) framework.


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Published 13 years ago
Version 1.0
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