Blog Post


DCIG Thin Provisioning Blog

nicole_kim's avatar
Level 3
16 years ago
Check out Going from ‘Fat’ to ‘Thin’ Isn’t an Automatic in the Virtual World Either, the latest blog on thin provisioning by DCIG lead analyst Jerome Wendt. He breaks down the various scenarios for when the benefits of thin provisioning are easily realized and when it is not so readily recognized, as there can be issues with deployment and utilization in certain circumstances. He discusses how Veritas Storage Foundation’s SmartMove feature can help larger enterprises maximize their thin provisioning investment.

Jerome Wendt is the President and Lead Analyst of DCIG Inc., an independent storage analyst and consulting firm. Since founding the company in 2006, Mr. Wendt has published extensively in data storage publications and journals covering all facets of storage.

Published 16 years ago
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