Blog Post


Does the idea of virtualizing your data center make you cringe?

Raissa_T's avatar
14 years ago

For some organizations, the idea of virtualizing their mission critical applications is perceived to be more riskier and its advantages are not yet compelling to make the switch.  In fact, according to Symantec's latest Virtualization and Evolution to the Cloud Survey, 40% of CEOs and 42% of CFOs are reluctant to make the leap to virtualization.  Some of the cited reservations are around downtime and the lack of visibility into virtualized environments.  However, IT users can get around these challenges by making sure that they deploy virtualization tools that are suited for their particular needs. A foolproof virtualization plan can deliver cost savings, efficiency, increased productivity, high availability, disaster recovery, etc.  Recently, Dan Lamorena, Product Marketing Director within Symantec's Storage and Availability Management Group authored an article in the Virtualization Journal that can guide IT managers on their virtualization path.  The article can be found here.  We hope that the article will help you to overcome some of those fears around virtualization and that you can truly start leveraging the wide array benefits of virtualization.

For more information on Symantec's virtualization tools, please visit our solutions page.



Published 14 years ago
Version 1.0
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