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Embrace Amazon Web Services to Store Your Unstructured Data

FernandoTavares's avatar
8 years ago



It’s no secret that many organizations have begun to look at public and private clouds as alternatives to traditional IT infrastructure. They are realizing that moving apps and data to the cloud can reduce expenses and streamline IT operations. As such, hybrid clouds are becoming standard practice for many enterprises.

While there is considerable interest in hybrid cloud deployment, ensuring seamless data movement, security, enterprise-class application performance, scalability, and application/workload resilience can be challenging. Next to that, data continues to double almost every two years, with unstructured data driving this growth, creating enormous cost pressures for customers.

Cloud storage is one of the many ways that organizations are leveraging cloud services today. Businesses are examining or using cloud storage to augment existing IT infrastructure as an alternative to traditional storage to solve unstructured data growth challenges.

Adding cloud storage to an existing infrastructure is not always a straightforward task. Last month, Veritas announced a new technology alliance with Amazon Web Services (AWS) to deliver Veritas 360 Data Management capabilities to enterprises leveraging AWS infrastructure – accelerating their migration to the cloud.

Veritas Access provides cost-optimized software-defined storage for unstructured data workloads. Today, customers are able to use Veritas Access and Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3 and Glacier) as a low-cost storage tier for unstructured data workloads to optimize data migration to AWS.


Meeting Workload performance requirements

All applications, whether legacy or cloud-native, require access to storage resources. In general, the type of storage resources allocated are guided by the requirements of the applications and workloads.

This remains true in the cloud, although in the case of the cloud, you may not be exposed to the type of storage being allocated per se, rather you provision cloud resources based on required service levels to ensure a certain level of input/output operations per second, using IOPS as an example. Veritas Access can also serve as an AWS Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) instance and automatically provision the right tier of Elastic Block Storage (EBS) or S3 storage to meet workload performance requirements.


Automate Elastic Block Storage (EBS) provisioning


Intelligent AWS Cloud Storage Tiering

Organizations can move data to the cloud using various protocols such as Object, Block, File, NFS and CIFS. Capabilities such as Dynamic Storage Tiering (DST) and policy management can be set up to automatically move old data to the cloud, using the cloud as a cost-effective capacity storage tier.

 The Veritas Access SmartTier feature allows administrators to mix on-premises storage and AWS cloud storage as a single scale-out file system. This allows for extremely efficient storage management without causing any operational disruption.

 After configuring cloud tiering, data stored in the file system can be intelligently moved between the tiers as needed while retaining original file access paths. Access moves the data from on-premises to AWS S3 or to Glacier directly. This enables support for cost-effective and deep storage, especially for long-term data retention use cases in AWS.


Veritas Access: Policy driven data management


Veritas Access enables high performance and cost-optimized software-defined storage for unstructured data workloads. For on-premises workloads, it can provision AWS S3 storage as a low-cost storage tier for unstructured data workloads and optimize the migration of that data to AWS, driven by automated policies. With Veritas Access, organizations of any size can now take full advantage of the AWS cloud to experience significant storage and management cost savings while enabling their IT teams to be more productive.


Learn more about how Veritas 360 Data Management for Amazon Web Services and Veritas Access help organizations to accelerating their migration to the cloud.

Updated 8 years ago
Version 9.0
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