Blog Post


InfoScale Storage & Media Server Workloads

ccarrero's avatar
Level 4
9 years ago

Data is at the core of the business and it is a key asset for new technologies such as the “Internet of Things”. The amount of data that we are storing using social information, video and images is increasing dramatically year after year. With this massive growth a key factor to deal with the storage costs, whilst also providing high performance, is to use a Software Defined Solution where any hardware can be used to create a commodity storage backend. InfoScale Storage is that perfect Software Defined Solution.

This white paper, using a given hardware configuration, provides a guide to finding the best possible software configuration in order to maximise the performance available in the hardware stack. The paper will examine the different layers and will provide a step by step approach to find a perfect balanced configuration that will get the most out of your hardware.



Published 9 years ago
Version 1.0
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