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Managing hybrid multi-cloud environments with confidence

ryan-behiel's avatar
3 years ago

Is cloud part of your IT strategy? Are you looking for ways to design the best IT environment with an overall strategy that involves both on-premises and cloud resources?

With a significant number of different platform options and deployment architectures available for running your business technology, you may be thinking about the best way to move forward with a hybrid multi-cloud IT strategy that provides the best and most optimized experience for your business and your end-users.  A hybrid multi-cloud design has several interesting advantages, but it also creates some challenges that aren’t easy to solve. This is why you need Veritas! 

Veritas gives you the foundation to run your business technology with confidence in a hybrid multi-cloud environment with the functionality you need to ensure a smooth and reliable user experience.  Veritas provides platform-agnostic availability management and resiliency for your business technology with intelligent insights to ensure that operating costs and usability are optimized.  Veritas also gives you the flexibility to move your IT services between platforms – including public clouds – to further optimize costs, application availability, and data resiliency so you can focus on innovation. 

Let’s first talk a bit about hybrid multi-cloud and what makes it interesting.

Hybrid Multi-cloud Overview

The cloud computing market has evolved to include multiple different vendors that each offer a variety of new and innovative functionality, but not all clouds are created equal.  Each provider has their own service catalog with different options and features available.  Hybrid Multi-cloud is a conceptual IT deployment architecture that combines multiple cloud platforms – such as AWS, Azure, and GCP – with on-premises technology and resources to manage your business technology stack.

Implementing a hybrid multi-cloud IT strategy can have several interesting benefits:

  • Innovation – design your business services using the best available technology
  • Optimization – reduce your operating expenses by running your applications on the most cost-effective platforms – either on-premises or in the cloud
  • User Experience – protect your IT services against on-premises infrastructure failures and individual cloud provider outages

While there are several benefits to hybrid multi-cloud architectures, there are some challenges that can be difficult to overcome without a proper foundation to help manage and facilitate IT operations:

  • Complexity – moving your applications and data to and from cloud services often involves proprietary tools that are not designed to work with multiple cloud providers
  • Cost – managing ingress and egress operations for multiple cloud providers can result in higher and unexpected costs with the potential for time delays and inefficient processes
  • Flexibility – cloud services aren’t all equal. Moving applications and data between platforms can be difficult and may involve significant manual effort. 

Let’s look at how Veritas helps overcome these challenges and enables you to design and implement intelligent, flexible, and optimized hybrid multi-cloud environments.

Veritas Foundation for Hybrid Multi-cloud

Figure 1 is a general view of how Veritas eliminates complexity and provides the foundation for an intelligent hybrid multi-cloud environment.

Figure 1. Veritas foundation for intelligent hybrid multi-cloud environments


By abstracting both on-premises and cloud resources, Veritas enables you to run your applications using the platform that best meets their requirements.  This also eliminates platform lock-in by enabling you to move data and applications to and from different clouds, or back to on-premises data centers if required.  With platform agnostic application availability, data protection, system resiliency and IT analytics, Veritas offers an enterprise foundation for running your business technology in a hybrid multi-cloud architecture.  Figure 2 shows an example of what this looks like. 

Figure 2. Availabilty, resiliency and intelligence for the hybrid multi-cloud


How Veritas optimizes hybrid multi-cloud environments

Having a clear view of your infrastructure in a hybrid multi-cloud environment can be challenging as most tools are purpose-built to work with specific technology and platforms.  Veritas integrates with a wide variety of technology to provide advanced data-driven insights that can help you optimize how your resources are used.  This includes cost accounting for resource utilization and reduced risk by assuring IT resources are protected – on-premises and in the cloud.

Veritas provides several key benefits that help you build intelligent, optimized hybrid multi-cloud environments with the agility and flexibility to easily adapt with minimal complexity as your business and technology requirements evolve:

  • High Availability – easily manage the risk of platform outages by distributing your workloads across different infrastructure and clouds, reducing the risk of application downtime in the case of a local or cloud provider service disruption
  • Optimization – reduce your operating costs and improve usability by hosting your applications and data on the most suitable platform while maintaining the high availability and resiliency for your business technology – on-premises and in the cloud
  • Flexibility – eliminate lock-in with a technology-agnostic foundation that lets you easily move your business technology between platforms – to the cloud, within the cloud, between clouds, and from the cloud back to on-premises datacenters for any reason
  • Innovation – Take advantage of all the features and functionality offered by different platforms. Run your business technology on the platform best suited to deliver your ideal end-user experience

Figure 3.  How Veritas optimizes hybrid multi-cloud environments



With industry-leading technology for application availability, IT analytics, intelligent insights, data protection and resiliency, Veritas provides an intelligent foundation for running your business technology with confidence in hybrid multi-cloud environments.  This gives you the functionality, flexibility, and optimization you need to ensure that your applications are both available and agile, with freedom of architecture that helps you focus on business innovation.  Reduce costs and complexity, manage availability, and maximize data resiliency – in any hybrid multi-cloud.

Check out our whitepaper for more information on how Veritas can help you manage and optimize your hybrid multi-cloud environment.

Updated 3 years ago
Version 2.0
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