Blog Post


New Beta Add-ons for Veritas Operations Manager (VOM).

c3lsius's avatar
Level 3
14 years ago

Announcing three beta add-ons for Veritas Operations Manager (VOM). These add-ons can make VOM more powerful and better aligned to your needs:

  • Scripting - allows administrators to store their scripts on the Operations Manager central management server, execute them on selected hosts or on a Business Entity, and monitor the script output status.
  • Veritas Cluster Server (VCS) password management - allows administrators to modify non-secure clusters user's authentication password
  • Package anomaly - compares a set of servers against a set of packages in an attempt to find systems that are non-standard or have installations different than other similar or related systems in the data center


Download them now here.

Published 14 years ago
Version 1.0
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